Sinusoidal Tendencies

Sinusoidal Tendencies is an interactive composition tool and performance instrument that allows for instantaneous creation. Soundscapes are formed through the generation and manipulation of up to sixty sine waves. The main variables control amplitude envelopes and frequency distribution. The interface is intuitive and allows the user to begin creating immediately while supplying numerous help screens for those that choose to go deeper. The program is capable of producing continually shifting and non-repeating blankets of sound as amplitude envelopes are randomly chosen from a user-specified data collection.

The program was written in MAX/MSP, the graphical programming environment created by David Zicarelli and Miller Puckette. It can be used as an instrument in interactive performances or as part of a sound installation. It can also be used as a compositional tool in creating sound files for recorded music performances/broadcasts or for further manipulation in other programs.



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